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Coral Fire St Croix

Two Recent Boat Fires in Coral Bay Show Need for Better Response at Sea

Coral Bay Community Urges Immediate Action

Coral Bay, St. John (April 12, 2023) - Two boat fires in Coral Bay within the past week have prompted the community to call for a more robust emergency response at sea. The incidents have raised concerns about the lack of resources and coordinated action in case of maritime emergencies.

On Monday, March 27, a 20-foot cabin cruiser caught fire at the Coral Bay harbor, sending thick black smoke over the area. While no one was injured, the boat was completely destroyed. A day later, another boat, a 28-foot sailboat, went up in flames at the same location. Fortunately, the boat's owner was able to escape before the blaze spread.

According to residents, both fires took hours to extinguish due to the lack of available firefighting equipment and personnel on the scene. Volunteers from the community had to use buckets of water and hand-pumped fire extinguishers to control the flames.

"We Need Immediate Action"

Coral Bay resident and boat owner, John Smith, expressed his frustration over the situation. "It's unacceptable that we don't have a proper emergency response for boat fires. These incidents could have been much worse if someone had been trapped or if the fires had spread to other boats in the harbor," he said.

The Coral Bay Community Association (CBCA) has written to the U.S. Coast Guard, the Virgin Islands Fire Service, and local officials, urging them to take immediate steps to improve emergency response capabilities at sea. The CBCA is requesting increased equipment, training, and coordination among agencies.


The recent boat fires in Coral Bay have exposed a critical gap in emergency response for maritime incidents. The community is demanding swift action from authorities to ensure that future emergencies are met with a coordinated and effective response. It is essential that the Virgin Islands invest in resources and training to safeguard the lives and property of those on our shores.
